We are Jon and Marie, nice to meet you!
Real Estate is our passion. We’re into all things home renovation and absolutely LOVE a good “before and after” transformation. We decided to jump in and pursue our dream of fixing up houses full time, and out of this dream Best Offer Real Estate Investments was born. Jon has years of experience completing home renovations and enjoys working with his hands. Marie has probably spent a little too much time on Pinterest planning out the “afters” for our projects and also handles the administrative portion of the business.
Along with our excellent team, we are committed to bringing you the best possible offer on your house! We are residents of Northeast Ohio, and as such, you are not just a “customer.” We consider you our neighbor and we promise to treat you with respect and fairness, just as we would expect for ourselves. Integrity and honesty are at the core of our company. Growing up in Ohio and now raising our family here, we want to do everything we can to add value to Ohio neighborhoods and give back to our community.
We are committed to giving you the Best Offer on your house by doing our due diligence and keeping renovation costs as low as reasonably possible.
Aside from running the business, we are busy raising 3 great kids right here in Ohio. You’re likely to find us at a little league game on the weekends!
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